Help Me Obi-wan! You’re My Only Hope!
From time to time, I get kind notes from readers favorably comparing my work to the classics of old. I also occasionally get messages asking how you can help promote my work and bring me one step closer to quitting the day job and doing this full time.
Well here’s something…
National Public Radio would like to know your favorite scifi & fantasy books published over the last ten years.
You could, just for example, nominate “Final Frontier: A Sci-fi Celebration of the Indomitable Spirit That Carried Humanity to the Moon” which I edited and contributed to along with a dozen award-winning authors, Spider Robinson, and astronaut Stanley G. Love.
Or you could nominate “For All Mankind,” my Jim Baen Award- and Analog Analab poll-winning story about two women who cross the Iron Curtain to save the world from a killer asteroid.
Or you could, you know, nominate some other book by some other author…I mean that would be fine too, I guess. 😉
But seriously, take advantage of this opportunity to promote your favorite recent genre fiction. The rules are simple. Nominate novels, collections, anthologies, novellas, whatever left an impression. Maybe your nominee will make that top 50 and maybe it won’t, but any exposure at this level will mean a lot to your favorite author. That I guarantee.
Hop on over and nominate up to 5 works.