Story Design Studio is an intuitive software power tool for conceptualizing novels and other longer works using the Story Topography Method. It’s a sort of cross between mind-mapping and your favorite story structure, with all the tools needed to help you navigate the creative gulf between ideas for a work and a writeable outline, with built-in support for storyboarding, exporting, and integration with Scrivener. Story Design Studio is currently undergoing alpha testing and refactoring for long-term supportability, and will soon be needing beta testers.  If it sounds like something you might find useful, sign up below and we’ll keep you informed of out progress.


Please choose the platform in which you are most likely to use novel design software in practice. Note that initially, SDS will only support Windows. Support for Mac & Linux will depend on many things, and while support for tablet operating systems (Android and IPad) is technically possible, it doesn't currently seem likely to be worth the expense. Time will tell, and this field is just to help feed into these future decisions.