Be Awesome
Some of you may not give a flamingo’s slippers about this, so I’ll keep it short.
As regular followers know, I bought a treadmill over the Christmas break, assembled a treadmill desk, and started using it and MyFitnessPal as part of my normal writing routine the second week of January.
I try to walk at least an hour a day, probably average a little over two, and occasionally up to eight. I never exceed 2.2 MPH with a 2% incline. I eat what I like, but hold myself to the daily net calorie targets set by MyFitnessPal. In practice, this means almost no bread, pasta, or rice, and generally pretty healthy eating. I’m not starving myself or suffering in any way. I do drink a lot of decaf, and I count the calories in the creamer and artificial sweetener.
After slowly losing ground for twenty years, I’ve lost 44 lbs in six months. My cholesterol is down 20%. My BP is down 20%. I am now about 15 pounds from the recommended ideal weight for my height–even without accounting for age. I see no problem with reaching that target and maintaining it indefinitely.
It ain’t easy, but it ain’t complicated, either. Just sayin’.