
  You can find my new audiobook anthology on Audible.com. Dreams of the Rocket Man Face Mask by StuartHardwickScifi      You can also find me on Amazon, and at Barnes & Noble, and you can Become a Patron! . Contact me about my exclusive Space Capsule Coffee Mug.  By reader request, some of my…

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Zeroing in

Science is like an archer getting closer to the target with practice—and an ever-improving view of the remaining discrepancy. That the aim varies as it zeroes in does not make it wrong along the way—and only a fool would think so. Estimates for the age of the Earth have evolved over time as new scientific…

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ApolloCon X

I just got back from ApolloCon where I made some friends, learned a few things, and surprised local Writer’s of the Future finalist DL Young with some swag. This nice barbarian let me take his picture, but the mean evil Star Fleet officers beamed up from the other end of the conference center before I…

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