About This Moon Malarky
- No stars in pictures (camera stopped down for lunar surface )
- Flags waving (held by wire)
- Apollo 11 flag “billowing ” (it was curled from long storage)
- No blast crater under the LEM (early engine cutoff was to prevent cratering)
- Dust around the lander. Or something.
- Non-parallel shadows. (The moon has terrain)
- Seemingly identical backgrounds. (when kilometers away)
- Lander unable to balance itself on a rocket. (Like Surveyor and Lunakod did? Like space-X did–YESTERDAY–with six times the gravity and cross winds?)
- Lunar trainer impossible to fly. (It was not, except when it broke).
- No flames from lunar launch. (small UDMH engine in a vacuum)
- Herky-jerky movement of LEM (in low frame rate engineering camera films)
- No RCS plumes (in same footage with shutter speed less than thruster duration)
- Astronauts footage shot in slow-motion (demonstrably not so)
- Why was every picture perfect? (Because NASA didn’t put the crappy ones in Life—but they are on the website)
- Missing crosshairs in photos (because LIGHT)
- The deadly radiation of space (is not deadly for a mere camping trip)
Every single assertion made by these hoaxicanians only demonstrates their own ignorance of physics, optics, basic science, basic math, how to keep a secret (tell only two people–then kill them), how rockets work, how air works, how inertia works, the effects of radiation on the human body, how static charge affects objects, the state of electronics in the 1960s, how TV works, gravity–and EVERY OTHER SINGLE THING
But that’s okay. If it will make the world a better place and my blog a busier nexus of nerd-dom, I’m prepared to refute every single claim by any hoaxicanian anywhere, no matter how daft or ditsy–if that’s what you all would like.
But first, what think ye of this quick and dirty stab? Does this do it in a nutshell? Want more? Have a few dozen more assertions to add to my list (I’ve heard some doozies)? Let me know. The more the merrier.
Reblogged this on anavarroliria and commented:
This may be hard to believe but I actually do feel very sorry for all conspiracy theorists weather political conspiracy or scientific conspiracy believers. They really are blind and I don’t think the are blind by choice, although I will grant that I may be wrong. I believe they are to be pitied rather than laughed at. But this does not, in the least, mean they should not be responded to, with the truth
I knew an engineer (granted electrical) who believed this crap. Gets old listening to the same tired arguments from people who clearly don’t understand physics. Glad you fight the good fight.