Upgraded Treadmill Desk

My treadmill desk has been such a success, I decided it was time for an upgrade. I put my little netbook spare back into mothballs and bought a Dell Inspirion 2020 all-in-one desktop ($400 at Best Buy). I outfitted this with a wireless mouse, a Microsoft Arc ergonomic keyboard, and a Logictech touchpad T650. Then…

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A Simple, Effective Treadmill Desk

Someone asked for details about my treadmill desk, so here they are: I use an unmodified Horizon T101, purchased from Academy Sports for about $600. It had good reviews and a folding treadmill base–a requirement since I installed it in our game room, where the Xbox Kinnect lives. It also has simple, horizonal handrails, also…

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The Best Possible Sit-Stand Desk?

When I started writing seriously back in 2011, I knew the last thing I needed was to start coming home every day from my corporate desk job and spend hours more behind a desk, so instead I learned my craft standing in the bedroom, typing on a little Acer Netbook perched high atop a tall…

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That We May Touch the Sky

  One of my favorite moments from the entire Star Trek franchise occurs in the Next Generation episode, “Hide and Q” when Captain Piccard quotes Hamlet, saying, “What he might said with irony, I say with conviction. What a piece of work is man. How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty. In form, in…

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Wifi AC — Worth the Upgrade

Yesterday, I posted about my adventurous emergency wifi replacement. Today, the last puzzle piece fell in place. You might recall that I write at a treadmill desk. You might even recall–if you’re a stalker of some sort–that I don’t use the wifi on the Dell Inspirion All-in-One computer mounted to the treadmill. The Qualcomm Atheros…

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Honey I Shrunk The Waistline

When my wife’s telecommute schedule coincides with mine, I like to make us lunch. Today’s “honey I shrunk to waistline,” offering? Egg & avocado brunch tacos on whole-wheat tortilla, with spinach and pear salad made with dried cherries, diced almonds, broccoli & cauliflower tossed with lime vinaigrette. Served with blueberry hibiscus tea. Eggs are nutritious, but…

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A Signature of Authors

If that isn’t the proper plural for a gathering of authors it should be. I recently met up with some of my fellow Tides of Possibility authors to chat about writing and life. We gathered in the forest of our shared imagination, around the roaring fire of Internet togetherness, each equally grateful that Luther, the…

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Meet Writers of the Future winner: Randy Henderson

Meet fellow Writers of the Future winner, 2013’s second quarter 1st place: Randy Henderson. Stuart: Hi Randy. Congratulations and thanks for dropping by. Why don’t you start by telling me what made you want to be a writer? Randy: It’s what all the cool kids were doing. Stuart: Ha ha. Must have been an interesting…

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